The Creative Light | Lightroom: The More Advanced WorkFlow
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Lightroom: The More Advanced WorkFlow

Lightroom: The More Advanced WorkFlow

Saturday, March 5th, (NEXT WEEK) Tom Turner will be presenting the second half of his informative and affordable Lightroom workshop; Lightroom: The More Advanced WorkFlow. If you took his Lightroom Workflow: Lightroom Lite last year or you already have a basic understanding of the Adobe Lightroom software then this is the workshop for you.
Tom Turner at the Lightroom Light Workshop

Tom Turner at the Lightroom Light Workshop

He will start off showing the students the power of Lightroom through advanced keyword searching to create smart catalogs and then continue to cover the print, book, slideshow, and web modules. This workshop will give you the push you need to take you to the next level of understanding in Lightroom and give you confidence in using this dynamic tool. If you are interested and need more information you can go to or contact Nancy Cavender Garcia at 210-367-0724 or It will be very revealing and popular so make sure and reserve you space as soon as possible.

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