The Creative Light | Lightroom Workshop – Great Beginning
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Lightroom Workshop – Great Beginning

Lightroom Workshop – Great Beginning

Well I called myself a curmudgeon regarding Lightroom but after today’s The Creative Light workshop about Lightroom I can honestly say I understand it a little better. Tom Turner took the four students (Dixie Lee, Joyce Seibel, Jennifer Martin, and Lynn Brown)
Jennifer Martin, Dixie Lee, Tom Turner, Joyce Seibel, and Lynn Brown

Jennifer Martin, Dixie Lee, Tom Turner, Joyce Seibel, and Lynn Brown

and myself through Lightroom’s Library and Development Modules and gave us all an idea of what Lightroom can do for a photographer.

lightroom workshop

We learned about workflow and editing, discussing how to organize images through better use of the modules in Lighroom. Tom was patient and we all had a good discussion about how Lightroom can help us be better photographers.Stay tuned to for the next installment of Lightroom two and Tom will take us to the next step as we improve our Lightroom skills.


Tom Turner lightroom

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